Hey babe,
I'm Dr Catalina,
The Intimacy Doc
I believe our sexual health is the number one indicator of our mental, physical, social, and emotional health. As a clinical psychologist for the 20+ years, I’ve worked with individuals affected by the big guns – cancer, death and dying. Through this work I witnessed the one key factor that motivates one to keep on living – relationships. Relationships are essential to who we are and how we experience life.
Unfortunately, sometimes relationships aren’t easy and sex can suck. I’m here to help fix that.
Meet the Intimacy Doc
My Story
“I’ve learned that true, authentic, pure intimacy and connection is not only what we all long for, it’s essential for our overall wellness.”

Professional Details
- Licensed Clinical Psychologist in California, Illinois. and New York (so I can see clients in these states and expats abroad)
- Associate Professor in Behavioral Sciences at Rush University Medical Center, Chicago
- Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at University of Sydney, Australia
- Assistant Professor at Baruch College, CUNY, New York
- Published author in numerous scientific journals and media outlets
- Principal Investigator on numerous federally funded psychological studies, including Rekindle, a web-based psycho-sexual resource developed and tested for Australian cancer survivors and partners
- Leading a team of clinicians, researchers and NGOs to develop the first Sex Therapy for Latina Cancer Survivors, Aviva
- Postdoctoral Fellow at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York
- PhD in Counseling Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
- MS in Psychology from The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC
- BS from Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Personal Details

Dr. Catalina's Publications
Lawsin, C (2023). Make time for sex and intimacy this holiday season. You won’t regret it. The USA Today, December 21. .
Lawsin, C (2023). Is aging the end of great sex? Absolutely not. Discover the truth. . The USA Today The USA Today, July 17. .
Lawsin, C (2023). Sex after menopause can still be great, fulfilling. Here’s what you need to know. . The USA Today The USA Today, September 12. .
Lawsin, C (2023). Trust the sex therapist, sober sex is better. You just have to get the courage to try it. . The USA Today The USA Today, August 22. .
Lawsin, C (2023). Sex ed for people with disabilities is almost non-existent. Here’s why that needs to change. . The USA Today The USA Today, August 16. .
Wells, R, Steel, Z, Hunt, C, Saidyousef, O, Abujado, F, Lawsin, C (2018). An ecological model of adaptation to displacement: Individual, cultural and community factors affecting psychosocial adjustment among Syrian refugees in Jordan. Global Mental Health, Volume 5, e42.
Hoyt, M, Gaffey, A, Wang, A, Litwin, M, Lawsin, C (2018). Sexual well-being and diurnal cortisol after prostate cancer treatment. Journal of Health Psychology, April published online.
Lambert, S, McElduff, P, Levesque, J, Lawsin, C, Jacobsen, P, Turner, J, Girgis, A (2017). A systematic review and meta-analysis of written self-administered psychosocial interventions among adults with a physical illness. Education and Counseling, 100 (12), 2200-2217.
Graham, L, Hullmann, S, Lawsin, C, Wilson, N, Wood-Molo, M, Ording, J, Ginder, C, Daley, K, Kent, P (2017). Pediatric Oncology Provider Perceptions of Fertility Preservation in Adolescent and Young Adult Females with Cancer. Women’s Reproductive Health, Special Issue on Cancer and Women’s Reproductive Health, Volume 4, 1-13
Ruth, W, Steel, Z, Hilal, M, Lawsin, C (2016). Psychosocial Concerns Reported by Syrian Refugees Living in Jordan: A Systematic Review of Unpublished Needs Assessments. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-8.
Dobinson, K, Hoyt, M, Seidler, Z, Beuamont, A, Hullman, S, Lawsin, C (2016). A Grounded Theory Investigation into the Psychosexual Unmet Needs of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5,2, 135-145.
McMillan, K, Butow, P, Turner, J, Yates, P, White, K, Lambert, S, Stephens, M., Lawsin, C, (2016) Burnout and the Provision of Psychosocial Care Amongst Australian Cancer Nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22, 37-45.
Seidler, Z, Lawsin, C, Hoyt, M, Dobinson, K (2015). Let’s Talk About Sex After Cancer: Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Sexual Communication in Male Cancer Survivors, Psycho-Oncology, Sep 25.
Lambert, S, Beatty, L, McElduff, P, Levesque, J, Lawsin, C, Turner, J, Jacobsen, P, Girgis, A (2015). Evaluations of written self-administered psychosocial interventions to improve psychosocial and physical outcomes among adults with chronic health conditions: a meta-analysis. Psycho-Oncology, 24, 73.
Wells, R, Wells, D, Lawsin, C (2015). Understanding psychological responses to trauma among Syrian refugees: The importance of measurement validity in cross cultural settings. Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 148 (No 455, 456), 60-69.
Colomar, M, Tong, V, Morello, P, Farr, S, Lawsin, C, Dietz, P, Aleman, A, Berrueta, M, Mazzoni, Agustina, Becu, A, Buekens, P, Belizán, J, Althabe, F, Mazzoni, Agustina, Becu, A, Buekens, P, Belizán, J, Althabe, F (2014). Barriers and Promoters of an Evidenced-Based Smoking Cessation Counseling During Prenatal Care in Argentina and Uruguay. Maternal and Child Health Journal, November, 1-9.
Lawsin, C, McMillan, K, Butow, P, Turner, J, Yates, P, Lamberts, S, White, K, Nelson, A, Stephens, M (2013). Assessment of the current implementation and barriers to uptake of the guidelines for the psychosocial care of adults with cancer according to cancer nurses in Australia. Journal Clinical Oncology, 31, (suppl; abstr e20615).
Penney, E. & Lawsin, C. (2013). Application of the MODE model to implicit weight prejudice and its influence on expressed and actual behavior among college students. The Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43; S2, E229-36.
Lambert, S, Harrison, J, Smith, E, Bonevski, B, Carey, M, Lawsin, C, Paul, P, Girgis, A (2012). The unmet needs of partners and caregivers of adults diagnosed with cancer: a systematic review. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, online first July 6.
Bullen, T, Sharpe, L, Lawsin, C (2012). Body image as a predictor of psychopathology in surgical patients with colorectal cancer. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 76, 3, 459-63.
Lawsin, C, Erwin, D, Bursac, Z, Jandorf, L (2011). Heterogeneity in Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Practices Among Female Hispanic Immigrants in the United States. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 13, 834-841.
DuHamel, K, Mosher, C, Winkel, G Labay, L, Rini, C, Markarian, Y, Austin, J, Greene, P, Lawsin, C, Rusiewicz, A, Grosskreutz, C, Isola, L, Moskowitz, C, Papadopoulos, E, Rowley, S, Scigliano, E, Burkhalter, J, Hurley, K, Redd, W (2010). Randomized clinical trial of telephone-administered cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce PTSD and distress symptoms after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28 (23): 3754-3761.
Lawsin, C., DuHamel, K, Itzkowitz, Brown, K., Lim, H., Thelemaque, L., S. Jandorf, L. (2009). Communication Between Colorectal Cancer Patients and Their Siblings: Discussions Regarding CRC Risk. Cancer, Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, Nov; 18 (11):2907-12.
Christie, J, Jandorf, L., Itzkowitz, S., Halm, E., Freeman, K., King, S., Dhulkifl, R., McNair, M., Thelemaque, L., Lawsin, C., Duhamel, K. (2009). Sociodemographic Correlates of Stage of Adoption for Colorectal Cancer Screening in African Americans. Ethnicity and Disease, 19: 323-329.
Lawsin, C., DuHamel, K, Itzkowitz, Brown, K., Lim, H., Thelemaque, L., S. Jandorf, L. (2007). Demographic, Medical, and Psychosocial Correlates to CAM Use among Survivors of Colorectal Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer, May;15(5):557-64.
Lawsin, C., DuHamel, K, Rakowski, W., Weiss, A., Jandorf, L. (2007). Colorectal Cancer Screening among Low-Income African Americans in East Harlem: A Theoretical Approach to Understanding Barriers and Promoters to Screening. Journal of Urban Health, 84(1):32-44.
Rini, C., Lawsin, C., Austin, J. DuHamel, K., Markarian, Y., Burkhalter, J., Labay, L., Redd, W. (2007). Peer Mentoring and Survivors’ Stories for Cancer Patients: Positive Effects and Some Cautionary Notes. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25(1): 163-6.
Lawsin, C., Borrayo, E., Edwards, R., Belloso, C. (2007). Community Readiness to Promote Latinas’ Participation in Breast Cancer Prevention Clinical Trials. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15(4), July, 369-378.
Borrayo, E., Thomas, J.J., & Lawsin, C. (2004) Cervical cancer screening among Latinas: The importance of referral and parallel cancer screening behaviors. Women & Health, 39, 13-29.
Better intimacy starts here
Don’t worry, I get it: relationships and intimacy can be hard to navigate. But it’s time for you to experience your absolute birthright—exponential bliss.
So let’s talk about it. Let me share with you my expertise.